“Winners do drugs after all” – you can rewrite your favourite game screens with this fun tool

"Winners do drugs after all" - you can rewrite your favourite game screens with this fun tool

Looking to have some fun with video game quotes? Check out this cool tool that allows you to rewrite famous game quotes right in your browser. The Death Generator features a gallery of retro games and a text box that replicates the font used in those games, giving you the ability to make characters say whatever you want. Whether it’s making the shopkeeper in Zelda swear or rewriting the mission briefings in Goldeneye 007, the possibilities are endless. Give it a try and see what you can come up with!

You can also play around with iconic phrases like the FBI warning that famously stated “Winners don’t do drugs” or Dracula’s existential ponderings in Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night. And don’t forget about reimagining Princess Peach’s letters in Super Mario 64.

Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun / FBI

The \
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun / Microsoft / Karl Marx

A message appears in Super Mario World calling Mario a \
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun / Nintendo

Dracula worries about "What is a man?" His friends laugh at him because he keeps asking but he still doesn't know.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun / Konami

One of the highlights is the Metal Gear Solid feature, where you can not only rewrite codec conversations but also customize the characters involved. Have a chat with Otacon, Mei Ling, the Colonel, Meryl, or Naomi, and even choose how many bars of reception are shown. The level of detail is impressive.

Otacon and Snake talk over the codec, with Otacon shouting about Snake mistaking a disguised melon as a human.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun / Konami

Additionally, you can input a short phrase and cycle through random screens to see how it fits in different contexts. And if you’re not pleased with a game remake, like Silent Hill 2, you can start crafting your own adaptation, beginning with Mary’s letter to her husband.

A letter against a black background reads \
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun / Konami

Lastly, a scene from Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare is presented in its original form as a tribute to the fallen. The tool, created by programmer “Foone,” offers a growing collection of 270 games, with more being added regularly. Give it a try and see what creative combinations you can come up with!

The coder even shared an image of Winnie The Pooh swearing. Let’s see if you can top that! Enjoy!

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