The main characters in two of my all-time favorite RPGs have something in common. Both Final Fantasy 8’s Squall and The Witcher 3’s Geralt have a tendency to leave their friends and the world in danger while they indulge in a quick game of cards, and I find that endearing. When The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was released, there was a special edition available that included a few decks for Gwent – the card game that became a highlight of the game. I always wanted those decks, but never got them. Now, Hatchette Board Games is releasing a full physical edition of Gwent next year.
The set includes “over 400 cards and a playmat” for £44/$39.99, which seems like a great deal to me. A good Gwent deck only consists of about 25 cards, and these cards have proper artwork from the game, not just in-engine screenshots.
Gwent has gone through a few iterations over the years, including a standalone online game and the single-player story game Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales. The physical edition of Gwent is set to release in Q3 of next year. In other Witcher news, The Witcher 4 is in the most intensive phase of development.