My Friendly Neighborhood: A Hidden Gem in the Horror Genre My Friendly Neighborhood is a standout game in the horror scene, blending elements of Resident Evil with a child-friendly mascot horror aesthetic. Released on Steam to critical acclaim, the game's unique storyline sets it apart from other titles in the genre. SPOILER WARNING: In a refreshing twist, the puppets in My Friendly Neighborhood are not ghosts but a living race of their own. This deviation from the norm, along with a positive message and lack of human carnage, makes the game a more suitable choice for younger audiences compared to other mascot horror games. The game also features an expansive Out of Bounds area filled with hidden secrets and Easter eggs that add depth to the gameplay experience. Some of these secrets were inserted as rewards for backers, such as hidden references to other games and unique character designs. Found Out of Bounds in the Stage 4 makeup room is a mysterious portrait featuring an unknown muscle mommy woman and a rat animatronic. This hidden Easter egg pays homage to another game, Five Nights at Candy’s, and showcases a unique character design that adds intrigue to the game's lore. Despite being a hidden gem, the Unknown Woman Easter Egg is often overlooked by players, including notable content creators like SuperHorrorBro. This discovery hints at the potential for future expansions or spin-off games centered around this enigmatic character. Could the developers of My Friendly Neighborhood be planning a game focused on the Unknown Woman and her backstory? Only time will tell. In the meantime, players are encouraged to explore the game's rich world and uncover its many secrets for themselves. My Friendly Neighborhood is available now on PC via Steam. Don't miss out on this captivating and unique horror experience!