Apple introduced Live Voicemail feature just a year ago as part of iOS 17, and it has become a useful tool for call screening, privacy, and spam call filtering. The real-time transcription feature makes it easier to search through voicemails.
With Live Voicemail, you can read transcriptions of voicemails as callers leave them, allowing you to decide whether to answer the call immediately or listen to it later. The transcription process happens on your device, ensuring privacy.
Disabling Live Voicemail
If you prefer traditional voicemail or value privacy, you might want to disable Live Voicemail. Some users may find comfort in listening to voicemails rather than reading transcriptions, especially if the messages are sensitive.
Here is how you can turn off Live Voicemail:
- Open the Settings app.
- If you’re using iOS 18, navigate to Apps.
- Find and select the Phone app.
- Tap on Live Voicemail.
- Toggle the switch to enable or disable Live Voicemail.

By turning off Live Voicemail, calls will be directed to your carrier’s voicemail. If you wish to remove voicemail entirely, contact your carrier for options. While Live Voicemail enhances user experience, it may not suit everyone’s preferences. If you feel it’s not for you, feel free to disable it.