Finally, someone investigated how many times you can piss in Heavy Rain

Finally, someone investigated how many times you can piss in Heavy Rain

My favorite type of YouTuber is the one who fixates on a small detail of a popular video game and delves into it with poetic depth. While I may not be interested in a five-hour video essay about a vintage adventure game, I find myself oddly captivated by discussions about the rivers in Skyrim. This is how I found myself spending an afternoon watching a YouTuber meticulously count every instance of playable urination in the cinematic adventure game Heavy Rain. This may seem trivial to some, but to me, it is a fascinating exploration.

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Allie Meowy, the YouTuber behind this “research,” takes viewers through each bathroom break in Heavy Rain, offering critical insights that may seem unnecessary but are strangely intriguing. I won’t spoil the exact number of times characters relieve themselves in the game; you’ll have to watch the video to discover that. What’s important is not the quantity of urination but the unique observations made along the way.

As the video progresses, Allie uncovers interesting details, such as the differences in how male and female characters interact with the bathroom facilities. The lack of dynamic tracking for urination in the game and the peculiar bathroom setups add layers to the gaming experience. Allie’s analysis goes beyond the surface-level humor and provides a deeper understanding of the game’s narrative.

Despite the focus on urine, the video serves as a comprehensive overview of Heavy Rain’s storyline. For those who haven’t played the game, this unconventional approach offers a fresh perspective on a familiar title. Through discussions about pee mechanics, Allie sheds light on various aspects of the game that may have gone unnoticed.

Interestingly, pee seems to be a common theme at RPS, with other games incorporating urination mechanics in creative ways. Whether it’s drinking urine in a mechanic sim or exploring a shooter centered around peeing, the gaming world is full of unexpected surprises. And with that, it’s time to wash our hands and move on to the next adventure.

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