During the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Eureka introduced its latest flagship robot vacuum, the J15 Max Ultra. We had the opportunity to witness its unveiling firsthand. This new model improves upon the technology of previous versions and addresses some of the limitations found in earlier models by incorporating innovative features to solve common problems faced by robot vacuum owners.
What is the J15 Max Ultra?
The J15 Ultra is an upcoming mopping robot from Eureka, set to be the brand’s top-of-the-line model.
When will the J15 Max Ultra be available to buy?
Eureka’s new flagship robot vacuum is scheduled for release in the US in June 2025. The UK launch date is yet to be announced.
What will the J15 Max Ultra cost?
The US launch price is set at $1,299, which positions it competitively against flagship models from other brands. For example, Dreame’s flagship X50 Ultra is expected to have a US launch price of $1,669.99 with a similar feature set.
We will update this article once the UK launch price for the J15 Max Ultra is revealed.
What features does the J15 Max Ultra have?
One of the standout features of the J15 Max Ultra is its thoughtful design, incorporating technology aimed at addressing common robot vacuum limitations and reducing common annoyances such as dust accumulation in corners and hair tangling around the brush bar.
Here are some of its notable features:
IntelliView 2.0
Eureka’s IntelliView system, already present in previous models, utilizes AI to help the robot identify spills and differentiate between wet and dry messes. The latest version, IntelliView 2.0, addresses the previous challenge of identifying clear liquid spills by incorporating an infrared vision system and an FHD vision sensor, allowing the robot to detect transparent spills accurately.
22,000 Pa suction
The J15 Max Ultra boasts an impressive 22,000 Pa suction power, a significant increase from previous models. This high level of suction ensures thorough cleaning on hard floors and carpets alike.
SweepExtend and ScrubExtend
Eureka addresses the common issue of incomplete cleaning near edges and corners with its Extendable side sweeper, named SweepExtend, and a mop pad known as ScrubExtend. The innovative design ensures thorough cleaning even in hard-to-reach areas.
The sweeper, called DragonClaw, features a claw-like design that prevents hair tangling, offering a more efficient cleaning experience.
The FlexiRazor feature of the J15 Max Ultra includes a set of metal teeth designed to cut and remove hair from the brush roll, reducing the need for manual maintenance.
Eureka’s robot vacuum is equipped with extending wheels that allow it to navigate thresholds and small steps with ease, enhancing its accessibility within the home environment.
We look forward to testing the J15 Max Ultra in real-world scenarios to evaluate the effectiveness of these features. In the meantime, check out our recommendations for the best robot vacuums and best budget-friendly robot vacuums based on our previous reviews.