Concord is committing to at least three seasons after its launch next week

Concord is committing to at least three seasons after its launch next week

Firewalk Studios

Concord is scheduled for release next week, and the post-launch roadmap has been unveiled. PlayStation, the publisher, shared details about the game’s first season in a recent blog post, revealing plans for approximately three seasons.

The debut of Concord Season 1: Tempest is set for October, featuring a new playable character called Freegunner, a new map, various character variants, and additional cosmetics. The game, described as a live-service first-person team shooter with an unfolding narrative, will also include new story cinematics for players to enjoy.

Unlike traditional live-service games with premium battle passes, Concord will offer optional cosmetics in a store, ensuring no impact on gameplay. These items, absent during the beta periods, will be available at the launch of Season 1.

Firewalk Studios plans to introduce a second season in January, introducing another Freegunner, fresh cosmetics, and weekly story vignettes. Season 2 will not only bring a new map but also a new game mode. The graphic below hints at another season in April, suggesting major content drops every three months.

The season 1 roadmap for Concord. There's a game overview on the left, and then modules for season 1 and season 2.

Concord is set to launch on August 23 for PlayStation 5 and PC, with deluxe edition preorders granting early access on August 20. Preloading is now available for eager players.

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