Declutter your Continue Watching row with this option on Netflix

Netflix Continue Watching

The start of a new year often inspires people to declutter and let go of things from the past. It’s a great time to tidy up various aspects of your life, starting with your Netflix account. While we’re not suggesting you cancel your subscription despite the recent price hikes, we do recommend cleaning up your ‘Continue Watching’ list. Netflix has introduced a new feature that will help you organize your screen.

The new ‘Remove from Continue Watching’ option allows you to easily remove a movie or show from the list with just one click. And if you accidentally remove something, you can always use the back arrow button to undo it.

It’s important to keep your ‘Continue Watching’ row updated and clutter-free. While it’s understandable that preferences may change, maintaining a clean list is essential for an organized Netflix experience.

Netflix Continue Watching

This feature is available on both the Netflix mobile app and web version, with the TV version soon to follow. Stay tuned for a more streamlined viewing experience with the ‘Remove from Continue Watching’ option.

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