‘TREKS’ Brings Immersive Walking Tours of Iconic Destinations to Omni One VR Treadmill

'TREKS' Brings Immersive Walking Tours of Iconic Destinations to Omni One VR Treadmill

Virtuix has unveiled an exciting new immersive tourism app for its Omni One VR treadmill system, allowing users to explore some of the world’s most famous destinations from the comfort of their own home.

Scheduled for release on March 6th on the Omni One all-in-one system, TREKS combines immersive video with physical walking, transporting users to iconic locations such as the Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, New York City, and Saudi Arabia’s Fort Masmak.

Developed by Virtuix Studios, Treks will be exclusively available on the Omni One Game Store for $30.

Upon launch, the app will feature four main locations:

  • Grand Canyon – Experience the beauty of this natural wonder as you walk its trails and admire its majestic cliffs.
  • Niagara Falls – Feel the power of the falls from both the American and Canadian perspectives.
  • New York City – Explore famous landmarks like the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, and Central Park.
  • Saudi Arabia – Immerse yourself in the history of Fort Masmak and the stunning architecture of Al Rajhi Mosque.

Virtuix Studios has plans to release additional locations as downloadable content in the future, offering new landmarks, historical sites, and natural wonders. The company also claims that users can burn around 500 calories per hour of walking in Treks.

Jan Goetgeluk, CEO of Virtuix, commented, “With TREKS, you’re not just watching these destinations—you’re moving through them. It’s a fantastic way to stay active while exploring some of the world’s most iconic places. Fitness and adventure come together in a whole new way with Treks.”

Priced at $3,495, the Omni One system includes the VR treadmill and a customized Pico 4 Enterprise headset, which can run native apps on its internal chipset or connect to a VR-ready PC wirelessly or via cable.

Recently, Virtuix announced that Omni One now supports over 55 titles, with popular additions like Arizona Sunshine Remake, Arizona Sunshine 2, and Into The Radius.

The system is also compatible with SteamVR games, thanks to the Omni Connect PC Driver, which allows users to customize bindings and settings for games not specifically designed for immersive walking experiences.

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