These are the passwords you definitely shouldn’t be using

These are the passwords you definitely shouldn’t be using

NordPass, a popular password manager, has once again unveiled its annual list of the most commonly used passwords worldwide. Surprisingly, the lack of creativity among users is quite disappointing as “123456” has retained its top spot for the second consecutive year.

Interestingly, these same numbers have dominated the charts in five out of six instances that NordPass has compiled its lists, only being dethroned by the infamous “password” in 2022. Beyond the predictable choices like “QWERTY” and “123,” these passwords offer a glimpse into the minds of individuals when safeguarding their personal information.

From endearing phrases like “iloveyou” to more aggressive ones like “fuckyou,” and specific interests such as “pokemon,” “naruto,” “samsung,” and “minecraft,” the choices vary widely. Some opt for common names like “michelle” or “ashley,” while others attempt to create a more secure password like “P@ssw0rd” (which can still be cracked in less than a second).

Exploring the subtle variations in passwords across different countries is also intriguing. For instance, the UK favors “liverpool,” while Australia leans towards “lizottes” (formerly known as Flamingos Live). Meanwhile, countries like Finland and Hungary have “salasana” and “jelszo,” both translating to “password,” in their top lists.

NordPass compiled this list using a 2.5TB database from publicly available sources, including data from the dark web. With hackers able to decipher many of these passwords in milliseconds, it’s crucial to avoid common phrases like “secret” and consider more innovative alternatives or even explore passkeys for added security.

Below are the top 10 most frequently used passwords:

1. 123456
2. password
3. 123456789
4. 12345678
5. 12345
6. 1234567
7. 1234567890
8. qwerty
9. abc123
10. password1

It’s essential to prioritize strong and unique passwords to enhance online security and protect sensitive information effectively.

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