Exercise is beneficial for everyone, regardless of their background or location. The latest innovations in outdoor and sports gear aim to make staying active easier and more enjoyable. From a shirt that repels mosquitoes without chemicals to an electric fishing reel that eliminates cords, these innovations are revolutionizing the way we engage in physical activities. An app combining avalanche education and real-time reports enhances safety for snowshoers and skiers. Additionally, a waterproof jacket with a battery membrane ensures breathability and waterproofing. An exercise bike with advanced technology provides a peaceful indoor riding experience. Overall, these innovations remove the challenges from outdoor adventures.
(Editor’s Note: This content is excerpted from Popular Science’s 37th annual Best of What’s New awards. For the complete list of the top 50 innovations of 2024, be sure to check out the original article.)
Grand Award Winner
HoloBike by Saga: A relaxing yet immersive bike ride in your house
“Outdoor biking” and “indoor biking” provide different experiences. One is immersive and calming, while the other can be tedious. Samuel Matson, the founder of Saga and a former Google VR designer, observed this contrast after biking in the Andes Mountains in Colombia during the pandemic. The HoloBike offers a unique solution by utilizing a high-resolution screen inspired by lenticular technology instead of a bulky VR headset. This screen uses optic flow and eye-tracking cameras to create an immersive experience based on the user’s gaze. The 3D environments, generated with AI scans of real trails, resemble open-world video games. Despite its advanced features, the HoloBike is compact, similar in size to a Peloton, making it suitable for home use. Pre-orders are currently available online.
Mosquito Protection Technology by Royal Robbins: A chemical-free way to stop mosquitoes
Most methods of mosquito bite prevention involve chemical-based solutions that can harm the environment. Royal Robbins’ Mosquito Protection Technology (MPT) offers a chemical-free alternative. Utilizing a tightly woven fabric, MPT prevents mosquitoes from piercing through while maintaining breathability. The fabric is designed to retain its effectiveness even after multiple washes, ensuring long-lasting protection. Scheduled for release in spring 2025, this innovation provides a sustainable and eco-friendly approach to mosquito protection.